Zpět na vyhledávání

Analysis of Tightened Joints

ID 3419

Škoda Auto offers its university full-time students the opportunity to gain valuable experience and as interns, with the opportunity to compile the final thesis in the Czech Republic’s biggest company, in Production department.



Title - Digital Factory – Analysis of Tightened Joints

  1. Analysis of Data on Untightened Joints
  2. Communication and Collaboration with Support Departments
  3. Proposals for Possible Measures
  4. Data Collection from Systems and Subsequent Presentation

Other ad-hoc tasks



  •  Full-time university studies or studies at a Business College (Technical)
  •  Knowledge of English - communicative level (B1)
  •  Availability to stay for a period of 6 months
  •  MS Office knowledge


Workplace of internship: Mladá Boleslav


  •  Reward between CZK 170,-  and CZK 250,-/hour (depending on the study phase) and in case of Student Talent Program possibility of reward increase
  •  Possibility to try working with a team of experienced professionals
  •  Experience of working for the biggest company in the Czech Republic with a good reputation around the world
  •  Range of practical benefits such as: catering allowance, accommodation in the Škoda Auto dormitory (limited capacity), tours around the plant and Škoda Auto Museum, reduction for purchase of SW and HW Microsoft, HP and IBM and more
  •  Possibility of career growth within the Student Talent Pool
  •  Flexible working time (as agreed upon with the supervisor of the trainee program/ diploma thesis
  •  Possible further cooperation on diploma thesis (according to agreement with the internship program supervisor)

Doporučené pozice


Metodický asistent/ka (m/ž)

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